
Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents


The most common motorcycle accidents involve failure to yield, Line splitting, Sudden stops, and Left-hand turns. These accidents can be caused by several factors, including your negligence or another person’s negligence. Listed below are some of the most common types of motorcycle accidents and the reasons why they happen.

Line splitting

In many states, lane splitting is an illegal maneuver. Motorcycle riders sometimes try to jump in front of other cars, especially during rush hour so it is best to get a Chico motorcycle accident lawyer. It is also known as “stripe-riding,” “white-lining,” or “filtering.” While this maneuver may appear harmless, it can be dangerous if another driver makes a sudden, unexpected stop or starts to move out of the way.

Lane-splitting motorcycle accidents are especially hazardous and should be avoided. The law states that riders are illegal to split lanes without signaling, which can lead to an accident. Although it’s not always a legal violation, it puts the motorcycle rider and other motorists at risk. Speeding is also a cause of motorcycle accidents. According to statistics, 34 percent of motorcycle fatalities involved speeding. If you rush too fast, you risk hitting gravel, losing control of your bike, or being unable to stop in time.

Failure to yield

A failure to yield motorcycle accidents can take many forms. One driver might not have the time to check their blind spot and may turn directly in front of a motorcycle without using their turn signal. Another vehicle may crowd a bike and cause it to run off the road or into oncoming traffic. Failure to yield accidents is often caused by a vehicle violation, such as distracted driving or being drunk. No matter the cause of the accident, it’s essential to follow the rules of the road and traffic laws.

When a driver fails to yield to a motorcycle, they may inadvertently strike the motorcyclist, causing severe injuries. In addition, negligent drivers may take left turns into motorcycle paths or fail to deliver to riders. Inattentional blindness is a common cause of failure to yield accidents and can result in life-threatening injuries. If you’ve been a victim of a failure to deliver a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to a large settlement from the other driver.

Sudden stops

Motorcycle accidents occur due to a sudden stop that causes the motorcycle to cartwheel forward or end-over-end. In either case, the rider is thrown forward and could sustain injuries such as a brain injury or a concussion. Sometimes, the rider may be hit by flying debris or land on their side, breaking bones and other body parts. Sudden stops can also lead to more complex legal cases, with the vehicle’s front driver being held wholly or partially liable for the accident.

This type of accident occurs when a car from behind suddenly stops while passing a motorcycle. The motorcycle rider has very little time to react. As a result, the vehicle in front of them may collide with the biker, causing a chain reaction of injuries. Sudden stops are a common type of motorcycle accident. A motorcyclist should never rely on brake lights to detect hazards ahead of them.

Left-hand turn accidents

Many common motorcycle accidents are caused by cars making a left-hand turn in front of riders. In these crashes, the driver does not check the intersection or corner before turning left. Other times, the car driver does not check for oncoming traffic. Another cause of these crashes is poor visibility due to road obstructions or blind spots. Regardless of the cause, it is essential to always yield to other traffic and follow the speed limit.

Equipment failure

When motorcycles fail to perform as expected, they can cause an accident. A motorcycle accident can occur for several reasons, including equipment failure. In some cases, the motorcyclist is at fault for the crash; others may have made an illegal or unsafe maneuver. If you are a victim of an equipment failure, it may be possible to recover more compensation than if you are at fault for causing the accident.

While equipment failure is a less common cause of motorcycle accidents, it can also be an important cause. It’s common for motorcycles to lose control and crash into a fixed object on the road. In these cases, a defective part could be to blame. If this is the case, you may be eligible to recover financial compensation. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that motorcyclists wear helmets and obey traffic laws. Motorcycle drivers should also practice defensive riding because larger vehicles do not always see them. Hazardous areas for motorcycles are intersections.

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